The illustrators
International Team games

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A life after International Team

   The International Team company was known for its artistic sensibility. This page is a tribute to the game box illustrators. The main artists were Enea Riboldi, Ermes Miceli and Mauro Moretti, Giampiero Casertano, Mauro Chiesa, Silvio Cadelo and some other I was not able to identify: those who did not sign (for instance for Attila) or those who had an unclear signature: JCosta (Blue Stones), MDC (Landsknecht)

   I tried to find some trace and some of their recent artwork.

Enea Riboldi

   The Enea Riboldi signature appears on 17 wargames.

   Enea Riboldi also illustrated boardgames and at least one science fiction jigsaw puzzle. The graphic style of this puzzle looks similar to the Kroll & Prumni box design (not signed).

   Enea Riboldi is born the 13th August 1954 in Milan. He worked as illustrator in several books and magazines in France and in Italy.

   I have three comic strips in French.
      - Love Story (Glenat, 1983) collects short stories in 4 drawings of one page without text, on erotic & humour themes. Enea drew four pages including one used for the cover.
      - Vol Solitaire (dargaud, 1988) - deadly white (Bonelli): A story of war, 30s aircrafts, full of blood and explosions in exotic African landscapes.
      - Cap Horn was recently published by "Les humanoides associés", on a scenario written by Christian Perrissin. You can see some drawings on

   I do not have today "l'Encyclopédie humoristique de la voile" but it's available on


   Enea Riboldi is referenced a lot on the web. You can see his picture taken during the Fumetti di frontiera festival with German Impache (who worked on Star trek and Star Wars episode 1), Silvano Beltramo (Italian illustrator) and Juan Gimenez (who draw "The Metabarons", "Leo Roa", "The fourth power" etc).

   You can look at an Italian strip available on-line :"Lezione di Economia" on a web site dedicated to support of the Guatemala Aztec people..

   I did not find a site dedicated to Enea Riboldi, but I found the Bolina monthly magazine site, for sailors. When you click on the copyrights link in the bottom right, you will read: Disegni in homepage di "Enea Riboldi". Enea clearly became a passion sailor.

Ermes Miceli

   Ermes Miceli illustrated the wargame Little Big Horn but we mainly worked on several jigsaw puzzles.

   There is only few information on Ermes Miceli on the web, just some illustrations on children books published in Serbia ( Prosveta publisher (Belgrade)) or in England ( The Globe Trotting Flea and Other Animal Fables) and a participation to a social event in Milan in 1995.

Mauro Moretti

   Mauro Moretti illustrated Magikon, Fief, Referendum, Alesia, Mafia using very different graphic styles.

   It's not easy to find any information on Mauro Moretti. It's a very common name with more than 10000 answers on Google. perhaps was he part of this exhibition ?

Giampiero Casertano

   Giampiero Casertano illustrated Norge and Bonaparte. He was also a comics strip illustrator. I especially suggest you the book called Wars (Guerres in French France and Italy, Krieg in Germany) from which is coming this page and the title page:

   His signature is also visible on this drawing of Groucho Marx on the site

   As a coincidence, he also collaborated to an Italian magazine called ... Napoleone ...

Silvio Cadelo

   Silvio Cadelo was actor, illustrator and cartoonist. He collaborated with International Team on the Role Playing Games Legio VII / Tablin. I prefer to let the chapter on Silvio Cadelo in the Role Playing Games page.

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