International Team Wargames
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Alesia - 50% IT:
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The most renowned war legend
During the marriage feast of Peleus and Thetis, three goddesses: Juno, Minerva and Venus, in dispute because of a golden apple to be given to the most beautiful of them, were sent by Jove to the Mount Ida, where Paris had to judge them. Paris gave venus the apple and the goddess promised him as wife the most beautiful woman in the world. Then, with her help, Paris kidnapped beautiful Helen from Sparta, where her husband Menelaus was king. This offence against Menelaus aroused all the greek Princes' anger, who gathered their armies and sailed to Troy to take revenge. But after nine year battles, the citadel of Troy still resisted. The Greek situation was aggravated by the dispute aroused between two of the most important Greek Chiefs, Agamemnon and Achilles, because of a slave. In the end Achilles; indignant, left the battle. At this point Homer's poem and our game begin.
The gods clash
The fall of the citadel and the end of the reign of Priam marked the conclusion of the Trojan war, so that the victorious Greek heroes decided to get back to their country and their homes. Among all others, the longest and hardest journey on the way back home was Ulysses': it lasted tehn years, like the siege of Troy. Ulysses, the hero who decided the Greek victory and who, thanks to his shrewdness, succeeded in getting into the enemy town with the stratagem of the horse, was protected by Minerva, Jove's favourite daughter. With her blessing and with promise of the council of the gods of succeeding, he had left the Asian beaches for his home where his faithful wife Penelope and his brave son Telemachus were waiting for him. But the anger of his enemy Neptune raised winds and storms against him, throwing him on enchanted islands or on rocks inhabited by monsters which decimated his crew. Alone on a raft, he went on his wandering at the mercy of superior froces only his shrewdness could never have won.
The Huns' invasion
"Attila" is a historical-theoretical simulation game based on the struggles between barbarians, romans, and romanized (federated) barabarians taking place during the mid-fifth century a.d. By the term historical-theoretical, it is meant here that in the course of the game, along with the situations that reflect the factual reality of history, some simulations of possible but undocumented situations of the period reproduced will be included.
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The siege which determined the birth of the united states
In July 1781, when operations were at a standstill, general Washington was informed that a french expeditionary force, lead by Admiral count François de Grasse, was coming from East Indies to reinforce French troops already present in America. As soon as he remarked the uselessness of further attacks on the troops of English General Sir Clinton, who had taken up a defensive position inside the City of New York, he decided to move the operations to the South. Yorktown had just been reinforced by General Cornwallis, the English commander of the South area, in order to control better the entry on the York river. At once Washington ordered Lafayette to block the Yorktown peninsul, to prevent any escape, even though this meant a serious risk, because of the nearness of two English Armies that could cut into two the Franco-American forces. But at that moement a victory was necessary to free the American forces from the standstill situation that was completely to their disvantage; so he decided to run the risk. thus, in September 1781, he gathered American and French forces enough to lay siege to the higly fortified enemy position, siege that could cause a decisive change in the story of the new continent.
The battle of the 3 Emperors
November 1805 presented Napoleon with a problem he had already had to face during the previous campaigns. the grand army was scattered on a vast territory stretching from Ulm to Vienna, all through Innsbruck and Graz. The allied army, provided with more forces and cannons, was also scattered all over Europe, but it was stronger than the french army everywhere. The only way to avoid many local defeats was to push the enemy to face a decisive battle. Even though the forces ratio were reasonably unfavourable. therefore, after occupying the town of Austerlitz and the rise of Pratzen nearby, Napoleon set his trap: he intended to push the enemies to attack immediately, before the arrival of other reinforcements, while the french reserves would reach the emperor, thus reducing the numerical advantage of the Austro-Russians.
Napoleon's victories and defeats
14th October 1806. The clash between the new French ideas about war such as movement and psychological energy and the old fashioned Prussian traditions about discipline and invincibility.
the last great battle
18th June 1815. The great and also last fight against the indomitable Napoleon's enemies in order to determine the future of the Empire and also of Europe.
The Napoleonic Campaigns
"Bonaparte" is a game of strategy in which players simulate all the napoleonic campaigns in Europe starting from 1807, from that time on, in fact, the conflict between France and England was decidedly in the hands of Napoleon. All the various campaigns (Spain, Portugal, Prussia, Austria, etc) were not considered separate and isolated from one another, as they were in reality. The necessity to count battles on two, three, or four fronts as all being connected is dictated by several historical assumptions: the numbers of enemies to face, the blocking off of England, which was likely to become a way to isolate France on the continent, and the britisch tenacity in arousing national anti-french sentiments. Napoleon's goal is to conquer all of Europe, without which the finacial possibilities of the english would render impossible the existence of the empire. The play of alliances, created according to the political and military mechanisms which are always unstable, is an instrument equally valid foe either player to use in order to obtain a victory which only the forces of the two individual countries could not obtain, even in theory.
The victory of Sitting Bull
The redskin's life after the White Man got to the West was hard, but after the discovery of the Black Hills gold-fileds in 1874 - which the American Governement had forbidden to exploit - it became all the harder. The redsckins of the plains repeatedly betrayed by treaties nobody respected; hindered the Whites in their settlement with remarkable repercussions on the economic situation. The american high commands thought the moment had come to stop it: three military columns left to attack and destroy the main body of the Indian forces. Lieutenant-colonel Georges Armstrong Custer, longing to regain the prestige he had lost and to share with nobody the glory of that victory which appeared certain, without waiting for other forces attacked more than 2500 warriors with his 600 men of the 7th Cavalry Regiment, at 2.15 P.M. on 25 June 1876. Two hours later, 256 officers and cavalrymen lay in the valley of Little Big Horn. The indians, who counted 32 dead warriors, had inflicted the USA the heaviest defeat in their history. After the battle, the tribes took different ways, aware of the uselessness of their victory. Within few years they surrendered to the civilisation of the white men.
the first battle between the Germans and the Allies
In the germans' plans for expansion norway came next after Poland during their interlude with the inconsitent Danes. The plan, according to the new strategies prepared by the wehrmacht, required air support from Denmark and then from all the norvegian airports conquered. It also called for the simultaneous landing of navy ships in 5 different ports and the support of these ships to the convoys in the second wave from Germany, as well as groups of parachutists to be flown in to the aforesaid ports and airports to obtain prior control over them. on top of this was the foreseen collapse of the norwegian army which was absolutely unprepared and the non-intervention of the french and english. The object of the operation was to free the Germans of their dependence in the production and transport of iron ores on the norwegian controlled Narvik and the relative north seas waters.
1941 La bataille de Moscou
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La guerre aéronavale en Méditerranée
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Only italian and french on this box.
The last glory in Kasserine
In order to relieve the tension in Tunisia,which allied landings had created, the supreme command of the Axis forces in Nort Africa accepted Rommel's suggestion to launch a general attack against the town of Kasserine. It had a double aim: to show the Americans the vitality of Afrika Korps veterans, before the arrival of Montgomery's 8th Army, and to split in two the victorious allied forces coming from Marocco and Algeria. The target was the Algerian Coast, reachable through the ways to Le Kef or Teblessa. Everything was at stake: one more failure for the Axis and North Africa would be lost for ever. It was february 14, 1943
The beginning of the end
War in the Mediterranean Sea is the necessary condition for a positive or negative development of the two major forces. For the Allies landing in Sicily is the first step into continental Europe and, what's more, into an Axis country, towards the final victory and a basic change in the historical course of the war.
The bloodiest battle of the pacific ocean
At thebegining of 1945, despite a great number of setbacks, Japan does not seem to be collapsing yet. It is true that the bloody conquest of the volcanic island of two jima on March 17th has neared the American Army by more than 1000 kilometers to the Japanese coasts; and it is equally true that the imperial fleet, once formidable, is now decimated; but urban areas are still nearly undamaged. moreover the Americans still have to overcome a bulwark of vital strategic importance before carrying out the "Coronet" operation, that is to say the invasion of Japan. This extreme outpost of the Japanese Empire is Okinawa, the biggest of the Ryu-kyu Islands - 1214 kilometers of caverns, caves, winding ravines and gorges, transformed in as many forts by Genreral Mitsuru Ushijima, Commander-in-Chief of the 32nd Imperial Army. On April 1st, under General Bolivar Bruckner's orders, the AMericans landed with the 24th Army Corps and with the 3rd Marine Corps; they would begin what was later on defined as "the bloodiest battle of the Pacific", with the assistance of Admiral Raymond A. Spruance.
1973: Le 4ème conflit Israelo-Arabe
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The third mondial war
Oil crisis, a frenetic alternation in African and South-American regimes, the more and more detached position of the Third World, the total arrest of nuclear and strategic weapons are causes of a big crisis among the great Powers of the World. Three games in one in order to foresee what people fear to see.
Swords and sorcery against evil forces.
After hard centuries when the Regatai province was left because of the death of the well-known king Wohrom, two families of knights try to come to the throne. but on their way they find monstrous creatures who keep the necessary amulets to enter the king's sepulchre and being consequently crowned. Victory will be the result of a defeat of all enemies both magic than human.
tritons' revolt
In the submerged world of Moog, the social rank imposed by Krost through violence and abuse is going to collapse: tritons, kept in a slavery state in the submarine coral platantions, have finally the courage to revolt against their masters, thanks also to a selfish alliance with mermaids who consider krost a more and more powerful enemy.
magic duels for world power
At the beginning only the knights ruled over the world of Zargo. In the course of centuries, thanks to their strength, they built castles all over the four continentes and, with the help of the Wizards, possessors of the art of Visions and Knowledge, they subjugated all the humans. but later on, coming from distant and strange worlds, new peoples arrived: they had different and tremendous powers, and little by little they snatched from the Knights' hands not only the lands to exploit and to build their towns on, but also lots of humans transformed in their image. In this way, what is known in Zargo's annuals as the "Lords' War" broke out. in the course of one year, with formed and suddenly broken alliances, thanks to extraordinary forces and powers, incredible battles spread all over the planet - battles where victory meant power and glory and defeat meant death.
The new Zargo's Lords.
The first "gamette" which will enable you to lead new populations, by exercising the magic arts of Zargos.
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Only italian, french and german on this box.
A fight between galactic empires
The Empires of the Kroll and the Prumni, different civilizations but both unstable because of the inner separatist movements, are going to crash. They both have the political and economical necessity of conquering and colonizing the greatest number of small planets rich in raw materials in case of defeat they risk the destruction of both regime and empire. The time for winning the enemy and restoring order is thirty temporal successions, at the end of this time the defeated empire will desintegrate and disappear from the galactic scene.
The era of invasion
The technical development of the terrestrial civilizations, which led to the colonization of the galaxy, had created an impirial system which led to the colonization of the galaxy, had created an impirial system which dominated reasonably efficiently over a whole series of solar systems. Invitably, however, the activities in that area of outer space attracted the attention of a civilization similar to that which had originated on the planet earts. In a meeting between empires in expansion, interests can mean nothing other than War. thus begin the first space war in the history of man, as is documented by the message which arrived at the imperial palace at dawn on may 15, 2896: "...Alein space ships, of the external system F; two space stations have been attacked and destroyed......"
Game published by Jeux Descartes but manufactured by International Team:
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The box contains:
1 two faced white board: one side with a hexagonal grid and the other with a grid of square and octogons, numbered and cut, size 68x97cm.
2 sheets of white punch-out pieces, for a total of 570 pieces.
1 storage tray for pieces
We are in year 52 before Christ. With 40000 of his warriors, Vercingetorix, the most famous Gallic leader, flow in Alesia. Caesar surrounded the city in a line of ramparts and traps. His 10 legions, approximately 40000 men, wait patiently that the besieged starve, surrender, or exit for a desesperate fight. The victory seems to be acquired. But this morning appear from everywhere a Gallic army of about 200000 men. The Roman seem to have only few chances to win against the Gallic combined assaults. Nevertheless, in the reality, Caesar and his men knew how to stand firm and defeat the Gauls.